An Evening of Poetry with Samuel Hazo at Seton Hill
Scholar in Catholic-Jewish Relations Dr. Eugene Fisher to Receive Nostra Aetate Award from National Catholic Center for Holocaust Education 10/23
Rev. John T. Pawlikowski to Speak On “Which Paul Are We Celebrating During the Jubilee?” at Seton Hill 10/22
Seton Hill University 2008 - 2009 Lecture Series
Seton Hill U. to Host Open House for Prospective Students Oct. 19
Seton Hill to Host Open House for Prospective Students Oct. 19
Harlan Art Gallery at Seton Hill Releases 2008-2009 Exhibition Schedule
Seton Hill Music Professor Huls Receives Award for Choral Excellence from the American Choral Directors Assoc.
Music Professor Huls Receives Award for Choral Excellence from American Choral Directors Assoc.