Sister Rosemary Donley, S.C., Receives Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal at Seton Hill U.
June 1, 2009
Sister Rosemary Donley, S.C., is the 16th recipient of the Seton Hill University Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal. The Seton Hill University Alumni Corporation selected Sister Rosemary for the tribute.
On May 8 at the Seton Hill University Spring Honors Convocation, University president JoAnne Boyle said, “As we celebrated the 34th anniversary of Mother Seton’s canonization, we find it most appropriate to recognize Sister Rosemary Donley with the Elizabeth Seton Medal. Through her dedication to improving the quality of health care by educating students, she represents well the values espoused by Elizabeth Ann Seton. As one of the early Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellows, she epitomizes Mother Seton’s pioneering spirit.”