SHU President, MBA Director, and Director of E-Magnify Participate in International Business Symposium in Nanjing, China
Seton Hill President JoAnne Boyle, PhD, gave the opening speech at the symposium, and chaired a plenary session on “A Study of the Development of Global Competency Leadership” presented by Dr. Shuming Zhao. Dr. Zhao is a professor and dean of the School of Business at Nanjing University, and has served as a visiting scholar at Seton Hill. Seton Hill presented him with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters – Business Management degree in 2006. Dr. Zhao currently serves on the Farrell Advisory Board for Seton Hill.
Dr. Lloyd Gibson, director of Seton Hill’s MBA program, presented a paper on “Internet Banking Adoption by Chinese Americans” at the symposium. Gibson also co-chaired a session on Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and E-Commerce in a Transitional Economy.
Jayne Huston, director of the E-magnify women’s business center at Seton Hill, also attended the symposium, to learn more about women’s entrepreneurship on an international level.