SHU Academic Computer Labs - Fall 2007 Hours
24 hour Labs:
- Maura 234 (12 PCs - 1 black and white printer - 1 scanner)
- Maura 2nd Floor Student Lounge (12 PCs - 1 black and white printer)
- Virtual Lounge Communication Center (4 PCs - 1 black and white printer)
- All Residence Hall Computer Labs: Brownlee 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floors; Farrell 1st, 2nd, 3rd Floors; DeChantal 1st and 2nd Floors.
Lab hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM daily:
- Lynch 106 (16 PCs - 1 black and white printer - 1 scanner)
Lab hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM daily around scheduled classes:
- Admin 405 (24 Student PCs - 1 black and white printer - 1 color printer - 4 scanners)
- Admin 309 (24 Student PCs - 1 black and white printer)
- Maura 235 (24 Student PCs - 1 black and white printer)
- Maura 331 (24 Student PCs - 1 black and white printer)
- Maura 334 (18 Student PCs - 1 black and white printer - 1 scanner)
Labs hours by key card access only to authorized students 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM daily around scheduled classes:
- Lynch 107 (16 PCs with specialty software for Chemistry students - 1 black and white printer)
- Lynch 109 (15 Student Machines – 2 Power Mac G5’s and 13 iMacs with specialty software for Graphic Design students - 1 black and white printer - 1 color printer - 2 scanners)
- Lynch 110 (18 Student PCs with specialty software and hardware for Computer Science students - 1 black and white printer)
Lab hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday:
- Maura 110 (15 PCs with specialty software for Biology students - 1 black and white printer)
Other Specialty Computer Labs open per department schedules. Please verify times with instructors. Theses include, but are not limited to: Dietetics; Physician Assistant; Chemistry; Forensics; Art; Music; Writing Center and Tutoring Center Labs.
Media Center and Academic Computer Lab Information (Lynch 132) and Helpdesk (Lynch 117A) office hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. During the academic year, assistance is also available after office hours until 9 PM Monday – Thursday by calling 724-830-1805 or 724-838-7845.