Seton Hill University Offers Accelerated M.B.A Program
The accelerated M.B.A program at Seton Hill stresses focused study, accelerated learning with emphasis on life/work experience, integration of theory and practice, collaborative learning and applied teaching techniques (case studies, simulations, analysis of work situations).
The educational objectives for the M.B.A programs at Seton Hill are to ensure that students are: reflective scholars-practitioners of business with the ability to define their personal philosophy of business; familiar with and able to critique current business theories; knowledgeable concerning current business research; acquainted with issues and concerns facing the managers of today; effective communicators; adept in the use of advanced technology; aware of the influence of organizational practices upon the marketplace; well-equipped to function as leaders in the contemporary work place; conversant with global perspectives and issues in the areas of business and economics and prepared to pursue doctoral studies, if desired.
For more information on M.B.A. programs at Seton Hill, please call: 724-838-4283, e-mail: or visit