Seton Hill University Library Receives Grant
The Library, in acquiring assistive technology for visually challenged patrons, intends to increase library resource and facility usage by these patrons and to make others more aware of visual impairments and assistive technology in this area. The employment and application of various technological devices will be monitored and statistics recorded to determine usage. Patron surveys regarding the equipment will be conducted three times during the one-year evaluation period to determine awareness as well.
"By improving equity of access, the assistive technology program will help Seton Hill achieve excellence and distinctiveness throughout all educational programs," said Marcy Pietrala, public services librarian for Reeves Memorial Library, noting this is a step to improve the library as part of the University’s Strategic Plan. "It will strengthen the services of the Library and help us to expand the use of technology in our services to enhance user satisfaction and give Seton Hill increased visibility and impact in the community."