Seton Hill University conferred three Master of Arts degrees in Writing Popular Fiction on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. To graduate from the Master of Arts in Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill, students must complete a market-ready full length fiction manuscript. Below is a list of graduates and their novels, by hometown residence.


Falmouth 04105
Michelle Fontaine, “Cut by Cut”


Fraser 48026
Margaret Mims, “Murder at River Point”


Murrysville 15668
Pamela Davis, “Metta and the Moon-Witch”

Seton Hill’s unique Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction program teaches students to write marketable novels in popular genres like mystery, romance, science fiction, horror, and fantasy. Additional specialties include literature for children and adolescents, and cross-genre blends like romantic suspense or young adult mysteries. Students attend two week-long, on-campus residencies each year, in January and June, to master the core elements of fiction writing and effective marketing and to gain inspiration from faculty mentors and special guests, all published authors in genre fiction. Established authors mentor students one-on-one as they work toward completing a market-ready manuscript from home. Readings, classes, and online discussion about the history, trends, and techniques of genre fiction add depth to the student’s experience. For more information about the Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill, visit or contact Seton Hill’s Office of Graduate and Adult Studies at 724-838-4221.