Seton Hill U. Hosts 22nd Annual Women in Science Day 5/19
Seton Hill University hosts its 22nd annual Women in Science Day on Wednesday, May 19. Women in Science Day recognizes young women who are juniors from regional high schools who have been nominated by their teachers as students who excel in mathematics, biology, and/or chemistry.
The event features a keynote address by Kimberly Schaaf. Schaaf earned her Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Seton Hill University in 2002. She is currently an analytical chemist at PPG Industries, Inc. in the Coatings Innovation Center. Schaaf works in the Gas Chromatography Laboratory. She analyzes polymers and polymer-based materials. Her relationship with PPG Industries, Inc. began in 2001; she was a summer intern in the Analytical Spectroscopy Group. She completed a second internship with PPG in May 2002 in the Analytical Microscopy Group. Schaaf serves as the chair of the PPG Coatings Innovation Center Science Education Council, which promotes science education outreach activities in Pittsburgh. She is also active with the student affiliate group of the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh.
The first Women in Science Day was initiated in 1989 by Sister Margaret Burns, S.C., former physics and mathematics faculty member at Seton Hill. This event was developed in response to a goal set forth at a Neylan Conference, a gathering of educators from Catholic universities, founded by female religious congregations. The goal of the Conference was to encourage teachers to design a program, at their own university, which would affirm and encourage young women in their study of mathematics and science.
Winners of the 2010 Women in Science Awards include:
Allison Park 15101
Emily Spirk-Mathematics-Oakland Catholic High School
Apollo 15613
Chelsea Ferguson-Biology-Apollo-Ridge High School
Beaver Falls 15010
Megan Jackson-Biology-Quigley Catholic High School
Belle Vernon 15012
Alicia Babines-Chemistry-Belle Vernon Area High School
Blairsville 15717
Stephanie Maskrey-Mathematics-Derry Area High School
Marissa Romanish-Chemistry-Blairsville High School
Boswell 15531
Angel Berkley-Mathematics-North Star High School
Calumet 15621
Kelsey Kronk-Biology-Mount Pleasant Area High School
Chalk Hill 15421
Annie Caccimelio-Chemistry-Geibel Catholic High School
Confluence 15424
Taylor Basinger-Mathematics-Turkeyfoot Valley Area School
Constance Hilliard-Chemistry-Turkeyfoot Valley Area School
Delmont 15626
Abigal Brown-Mathematics-Greensburg Salem High School
Derry 15627
Kelly Zimmerman-Biology-Derry Area High School
Ebensburg 15931
Jordan Baird-Mathematics-Bishop Carroll High School
Everson 15631
Sarah Richter-Biology-Southmoreland High School
Fayette City 15438
Kelsey Zborovancik-Mathematics-Belle Vernon Area High School
Greensburg 15601
Hannah Cawoski-Biology-Greensburg Salem High School
April Falkosky-Chemistry-Greensburg Salem High School
Faith Finoli-Chemistry-Greensburg Central Catholic High School
Jill Lantzy-Biology-Greensburg Central Catholic High School
Alexandra Meyer-Mathematics-Greensburg Central Catholic High School
Rachel Wolinsky-Mathematics and Chemistry-Hempfield Area Senior High School
Heilwood 15745
Lauren Bassaro-Chemistry-Bishop Carroll High School
Indiana 15701
Leslie Stapleton-Biology-Indiana Area Senior High School
Irwin 15642
Tiffany Fox-Mathematics-Penn-Trafford High School
Jeannette 15644
Alysha Kubovcik-Biology-Jeannette Senior High School
Anna-Marie Williams-Chemistry-Jeannette Senior High School
Johnstown 15902
Haley Bridges-Chemistry-Bishop McCort High School
Danielle Deskevich-Biology-Bishop Carroll High School
Latrobe 15650
Regina Woloshun-Mathematics-Greater Latrobe Senior High School
Kylie Polinsky-Chemistry-Derry Area High School
Alyssa Stewart-Biology-Greater Latrobe Senior High School
Lowber 15660
Krista Spear-Chemistry-Yough Senior High School
McDonald 15057
Stacy Miller-Mathematics-Bishop Canevin High School
Monessen 15062
Ashley Hartung-Biology-Monessen High School
Mount Pleasant 15666
Trisha Tucholski-Mathematics-Mount Pleasant Area High School
Pittsburgh 15205
Stephanie Schlebusch-Chemistry-Bishop Canevin High School
Pittsburgh 15206
Taylor Wetzel-Chemistry-Mount Alvernia High School
Pittsburgh 15223
Michelle Ehrenberger-Chemistry-Vincentian Academy
Pittsburgh 15243
Jaclyn Jones-Chemistry-Chartiers Valley High School
Port Vue 15133
Marissa McClinton-Mathematics-South Allegheny High School
Cheyanne Novich-Chemistry-South Allegheny High School
Ruffsdale 15679
Danielle Rupert-Biology-Yough Senior High School
Saltsburg 15681
Mariah Baker-Chemistry-Saltsburg Middle/High School
Scottdale 15683
Chelsie Schomer-Chemistry-Southmoreland High School
Carlea Schwartz-Mathematics-Southmoreland High School
Smithton 15479
Jessica Hynek-Mathematics-Yough Senior High School
Smock 15480
Sarah Kushnar-Biology-Geibel Catholic High School
Spring Church 15686
Kayla Mumaw-Chemistry-Apollo-Ridge High School
Somerset 15501
Ashley Barclay-Biology-Somerset Area High School
Emily Cramer-Mathematics-Somerset Area High School
Stoystown 15563
Chelsey Pongrac-Chemistry-Shade-Central City High School
Uniontown 15401
Courtney Bryan-Mathematics-Geibel Catholic High School
Wexford 15090
Danielle Kumpf-Biology-Vincentian Academy