Seton Hill Theatre Casts Local Students in "Fuddy Meers"
This outrageous comedy follows the adventures of Claire, who suffers from psychogenic amnesia and loses all her memories each night when she sleeps. Claire's world goes topsy-turvy when she is abducted by a man in a ski mask (who might be her brother) and kept hostage by a demented puppeteer at the home of her equally bizarre mother. This separates Claire from her most valuable possession - her vital information that is written out, step by daily step, in the notebook that has become her identity. Will Claire's husband and son and the cop they kidnapped find her? Will she find herself? And will she remember too much? For mature audiences.
Seton Hill students cast in “Fuddy Meers” are: Steven J. Clemens of Imperial, Pa. as Richard; Adrian Concha of Rockwood, Pa. as Kenny; Miquel Doby of Mckeesport, Pa. as Heidi; Adrienne Fischer of Mt. Pleasant, Pa. as Claire; Jeffrey Gettemy of Greensburg as Limping Man; Jonathan P. Stewart of Thompson, Pa. as Millet; and Jamie Lynn Williams of Aliquippa, Pa. as Gertie.
Seton Hill students helping to produce “Fuddy Meers” are: Kristie Moran of Latrobe, Pa., assistant stage manager; Kathleen Shields of Lower Burrell, Pa., assistant stage manager; and Alan Knepper of Three Springs, Pa., stage manager.
Set designer for “Fuddy Meers” is Ken Clothier, the lighting designer is Karen Glass, assistant professor of theatre, the costume designer is Sue O'Neill and the sound designer is Terry Brino-Dean, the program director of theatre.
Seton Hill Theatre will perform “Fuddy Meers” October 7, 2005 - 8:00 PM; October 8 - 8:00 PM; October 9 - 2:00 PM; October 12 - 10:30 AM; October 13 - 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM; October 14 and 15 - 8:00 PM All performances are held in Reeves Theatre on Seton Hill's Greensburg, Pa. campus. Tickets are $12, or $10 each for groups of 16 or more. $5 student rush tickets are available five minutes before curtain. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact the Seton Hill Box Office at or 724-838-4241.