Seton Hill Team Makes it to Final Four in Society for Human Resource Management’s HR Games
“Students and chapter sponsors [from other schools] began following our teams, sitting in on their “rounds” and asking our students how they had prepared so well,” Giunta said. “Their level of commitment was commendable. [During the event] they were professional, polite and respectful of the other teams – wonderful ambassadors for our school.”
The students who participated on Seton Hill’s teams - Gerry Boyle, Nicole Cormier, Bobbi Loncharich, Whitney Nash, Joshua Underwood and Stephen Walker - drilled for weeks prior to the games, with the help of other business students and two alumna who had previously participated in the games.
“We may be small,” said student participant Gerry Boyle, as he reported back to the HR Seminar Class on the event, “but what we do, we do very well.”