Seton Hill Presents Workshop on Using Technology to Teach Students with Special Needs
In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Education awarded Seton Hill University a five-year Title III Strengthening Institutions Program grant. The purposes of the grant were twofold: to sustain and upgrade available campus technology and to assist faculty in the effective integration of technology into teaching, with a particular emphasis on an inclusionary learning environment and adaptive technology.
Participation in the Promoting Instruction and Learning Opportunities with Technology (PILOT) professional development program required participants to commit to approximately 60 hours in technology and inclusion training and approximately 40 hours to revise one course of their choice for the integration of technology with consideration of inclusion issues. Upon successful completion of all project activities, each participant could choose between a cash stipend or a well-equipped laptop computer.
On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SHU community members are welcome to attend as representatives of the sixty-two SHU faculty and staff who participated in the PILOT professional development program share their technology integration efforts made possible through the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program grant. Each PILOT participant will have approximately 15 minutes to present highlights of his/her technology and inclusion efforts.
This workshop is not open to the public. For more information on “Celebration of Teaching” or the PILOT program at Seton Hill, please contact Mary Spataro, instructional designer, at 724-830-1011 or
Seton Hill, chartered in 1918, is a coeducational Catholic liberal arts university with more than 30 undergraduate programs and 8 graduate programs, including an MBA. Seton Hill brings the world to its students through its distinguished lecturers and nationally and internationally renowned centers. For more information on Seton Hill please visit or call 1-800-826-6234.