Seton Hill Celebrates "A Week with Christ"
Seton Hill University students celebrated the first annual “A Week with Christ” sponsored by Campus Ministry. During the week of September 18-23, students and faculty participated in spiritual events on campus.
Initiated by students Tori Lombardo, junior physician assistant major, Eric Farmer, senior psychology major with elementary and special education certificates, Heather Mcmahan, junior elementary education major, and Andrew Fisher, junior physician assistant major, “A Week with Christ” was developed to celebrate and rejoice in a spiritual and contemporary worship of Christ.
“A Week with Christ” kicked off on Sunday night with Mass in Saint Joseph Chapel. Throughout the week, events included Coffee Talk: “Coffee with Christ,” Contemporary Worship with “The Way,” local Latrobe church, and “Bibles by the Bonfire.” The week concluded with a presentation by guest speaker Mike Stahl, head pastor at Victorious Life Church in Greensburg. Throughout the week, students and faculty submitted requests prayers, received bracelets and reviewed scriptures of the day from the volunteers in Maura Solarium.
“We are truly blessed that so many new faces showed up every night for our events,” stated Lombardo, “Eric, Heather, Andrew and I thought of “A Week with Christ” last semester. With such a successful week, we can keep bringing the worship to Seton Hill’s campus for future years.”
“A Week with Christ” was sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, First Presbyterian Church, Otterbein United Methodist Church and Free Methodist Church of Greensburg.