Senior Sleepovers Announced at Seton Hill College
Seton Hill College is a Catholic, liberal arts, women’s focused college in Greensburg, Pennsylvania offering a variety of educational opportunities to diverse populations within and beyond the Southwestern Pennsylvania region. The College is a center for professional advancement for women and men students who seek baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate opportunities that are of relevance to the changing needs of their occupations and of society. Through convenient and personalized delivery systems the College offers more than 30 undergraduate majors, an adult baccalaureate degree, advanced certifications and graduate work in several disciplines including the master of arts in art therapy; master of arts in counseling psychology; master of arts in elementary education; master of arts in writing popular fiction; master of education in technologies enhanced learning; master of arts in special education; and master of science in management
Join in the fun! Space is limited; reservations are required. For details call the Admissions Office at 1-800-826-6234 or e-mail us at