Senior Seminar Class Visits Sisters of Charity at Caritas Christi
Twenty Seton Hill University students and faculty joined 25 Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill in playing bingo at Caritas Christi, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, on April 6. This project was part of the Senior Integrative Seminar activities in which students collaborate in a class project that applies Catholic social teaching to a current social concern.
The “Easter Bingo” project was one which not only benefited the Sisters of Charity, but also the students in Sister Ann Infanger’s Senior Seminar class.
“The Sisters greatly appreciated the time they were able to spend with the students. They look forward to the opportunities they get to see new, young faces. The students also received a tremendous sense of accomplishment when they saw how much fun the Sisters had playing bingo with them. The smiles on the students' and Sisters' faces were enough to see that both groups thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from the experience,” said Sister Ann.