Q&A with a Seton Hill Nutrition & Dietetics graduate: Kristin Leonberg, R.D., L.D.N. '04
February 16, 2016
We had the opportunity to talk with one of our graduates from the Nutrition and Dietetics program, Kristin Leonberg, about her time at Seton Hill University and the advice she has for our current students.
Childhood Ambition
To be a nurse
Fondest SHU Memory
Graduation from SHU when you are congratulated by each and every faculty member.
First Job after Graduation
Clinical dietitian at Health Central Hospital in Ocoee, Florida.
Proudest Moment
Receiving Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year by the Florida Dietetic Association.
Advice to a Seton Hill Student
Keep an open mind regarding your career because you never know what opportunities will come your way.