Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast
Vicki Thorn will address “healthy sexual choices” for women. The society that we live in has promoted the lie that sex is without consequences, it’s like brushing your teeth. But Vicki will talk on biochemical “love,” the complicated biological process of sex, cohabitating risks and cancer risks. To choose to have an abortion is to reject sexual intimacy and the result of that intimacy, the child. Join with us and other friends of the unborn child to hear Vicki Thorn speak on “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made—What they didn’t tell you in sex ed” at the 12th annual Westmoreland County Interfaith Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast to be held on Saturday, October 7, 2006 at 10 A.M. at the Four Points Hotel in Greensburg, PA. This breakfast event marks an opportunity for people of all faiths in the pro-life community to gather for prayer, understanding and fellowship.