Poets from New Zealand and Belarus Perform at Seton Hill U. 9/9
The Communication Club at Seton Hill University, in cooperation with the University’s Division of Humanities and the City of Asylum/Pittsburgh, will present “Voices,” on Thursday, September 9, at 7 p.m. in Reeves Theatre, located on Seton Hill University’s main hilltop campus in Greensburg, Pa. “Art as Public Voice” will feature two international poets, Hinemoana Baker of New Zealand and Maryia Martysevich of Belarus. The event is open to the public. The event is open to the public and there is no fee to attend. For more information, call 724-830-1064.
Baker is a published poet, fiction writer, playwright and musician. Baker’s first collection of poems, “matuhi,” was published by Victory University Press in 2004. In 2007, she co-edited the anthology “Kaupapa: New Zealand Poets, World Issues. Baker was appointed the 2009 Arts Queensland Poet in Residence and, as part of her residency, she produced an audio poem, “Gondwanavista,” which featured text and field recordings of outback locations. Baker’s poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. Her new book, “koiwi koiwi” was published in August 2010.
Martysevich is a poet, essayist and translator. In 2008, she published a book of essays in verse and prose, “Dragons Fly to the Spawning.” She has also translated several pieces of prose and poetry from Czech, English, Polish and Ukrainian. Martysevich frequently contributes to various media projects, the arts, literary magazines and blogs.
City of Asylum/Pittsburgh provides sanctuary to writers exiled under threat of death, imprisonment or persecution in their native countries. For more information, click here.