Pa. Liquor Control Board Awards Grant to Seton Hill
In the coming months, Seton Hill’s AOD Prevention Specialist, Kimberley Cook, will be working with Seton Hill faculty members to develop materials on alcohol and drug abuse for “infusion” into existing curriculums. “For example,” explains Director of Counseling, Disability and Health Service Terri Bassi, “an economics class may investigate the cost to the economy from alcohol or other drug abuse; a psychology class may look at the personality development impact of substance abusing families.”
In addition, the Alcohol and Other Drug [AOD] Prevention program will administer the American College Health Survey to Seton Hill students. This annual anonymous survey provides the program with information concerning the behavioral health practices of Seton Hill students. The data gathered by the survey informs programming and counseling activities.
A total of 68 organizations throughout the state received grants from the PLCB in July to aid in the prevention of underage and high-risk alcohol use. Of those organizations, 27 were colleges and universities.