Oldies Dance to Benefit Big Brothers & Big Sisters
April 5, 2007
The Seton Hill University Student and Alumni Ambassadors present "Dancing through the Decades, " an evening of dinner and dancing, on Saturday, April 14. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. [with live jazz music by the Seton Hill Dixie Cats] and
dancing at 7:30 p.m. [with DJ Larry playing all your favorite “oldies”] in the McKenna Center on Seton Hill's Greensburg, Pa. campus.
$30 per person (student rate: $6 with meal plan)
Tickets available from any student ambassador, in Seton Hill's Greensburg Room April 9 - April 13, or by calling 724-830-1027.
Decade apparel welcome. Photos available. Cash Bar.
Proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region and the SHU Student Ambassador Program.