New York City Trip - Taking Reservations Now
January 2, 2008
Seton Hill University's annual New York City trip for students, faculty and staff will take place April 11, 12 and 13, 2008.
Don’t miss out on the fun.
Your cost covers transportation, breakfast on Friday morning and your room for the weekend at the Hotel Edison.
Cost per SHU student, staff and faculty:
Single Room $390
Double $200
Triple $150
Quad $140
Cost for off-campus guests is an additional $50 per reservation. Guests are welcome.
Experience New York City with your friends, and do the things you are interested in.
A non-refundable down payment of $50 is due by Friday, Feb. 1st. Balance and roommate choices are due by Fri. Feb. 29th.
Contact Student Activities, Maura 223 or / ext. 4213 with reservations or questions.