“Humanization of Our Inhuman World: A Call for Today” Lecture at Seton Hill 4/10
Father Guillermo Campuzano, CM, Priest Chaplain for Catholic Campus Ministry at DePaul University, will present “Humanization of Our Inhuman World: A Call for Today” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014, at Cecilian Hall in the Administration Building on the Seton Hill University hilltop campus. The program is part of the Sister Mary Schmidt, SC, Lecture Series, a joint project of the Sisters of Charity and Seton Hill University. The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, call 724-836-0406, ext. 613 or click here.
In most religious traditions, God is somebody who is profoundly aware of the diverse expressions of the inhumanity of humanity––in other words, of our tremendous capacity to destroy life, kill the environment, and systemically prove over and over that we cannot or do not want to coexist together in a peaceful way. In his talk, “Humanization of Our Inhuman World: A Call for Today,” Father Guillermo Campuzano will present the call for humanization from a multicultural, interreligious perspective with the predominant goals being the preservation of the non-negotiable dignity of life and the ever-growing challenge of meaningful, human coexistence.
Father Guillermo Campuzano, a Vincentian priest from Colombia, has studied, taught, and lectured at various institutions of higher education in Latin America and the United States. He advises the National Board of Directors of Latino Young Adult Ministry and is part of the theological team of the Latin American Conference of Religious Life. In addition to serving as the Priest Chaplain for Catholic Campus Ministry at DePaul University, he teaches in Religious Studies, Catholic Studies, Modern Languages, and Public Service Programs. Father Guillermo has a deep understanding for the plight of underprivileged communities and is an advocate for human rights and human dignity. A published author, he is frequently invited to present pastoral, spiritual, and theological workshops and retreats across the Americas.
The Sister Mary Schmidt Lecture Series is sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill and Seton Hill University in order to support the Catholic identity of Seton Hill University; engage the Sisters of Charity and Seton Hill University in learning and dialogue on timely topics of social and environmental justice with global impact; and develop an understanding of Catholic Social Teachings and how they pertain to this dialogue.
Sister Mary Schmidt, SC, served as president of Seton Hill from 1971 through 1977. She also taught in the English Department at the University for more than 20 years and served as executive vice president and the director of Alumnae Relations.