Education Students Embrace iPad at Seton Hill
According to students majoring in education at Seton Hill University, professors are embracing the new technology on campus.
“My education professors are not only incorporating the technology into lessons, but they are showing me how to use the technology when I teach,” said Kellie Vann, freshman. “Our professors are knowledgeable on the use of the new technology. They tell us that if you are not working with it, you are working against it.”
“If I want to become a teacher, I know I have to keep up with the changes in technology,” said Patrick Sheffler, freshman. “I will teach students who do not know life without technology and ‘on demand.’ Seton Hill is preparing me to embrace technology and incorporate it into my lesson plans.”
Sheffler has only been using his iPad and MacBook Pro since the end of August. He is already reaching out to parochial schools in the Diocese of Greensburg and training teachers on how to incorporate technology into the classroom.
“As a teacher, I will not only instruct my students, but, with the use of technology, they will explore and learn independently,” said Sheffler.
“With technology in the classroom, students now have the opportunity to participate in virtual field trips to any location in the world,” said Vann. “The iPad has completely changed how I will teach.”