ASL Raises $1,000 for American Cancer Society
Everyone had a great time experiencing the camaraderie of the ASL membership and supporting a great cause. The teams were subjected to a wide range of weather. Evening thunderstorms and high winds quickly cooled the brutal heat of the day. The ASL teams showed great determination in keeping the relay going. ASL can proudly boast that they were able to keep a team member on the track for the entire event. This achievement was only made possible by the commitment of our ASL members. With countless other obligations (school, work, family, etc...) set aside for a couple of hours, these men and women took time to get involved in the community. For this, their dedication to the community should be commended.
The membership of ASL would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event. Without the support from faculty and staff at Seton Hill we could not have reached our goals. Thank you.
ASL is hoping to make this an annual event, so mark your calendar and plan on joining us or contributing to our team next year.
Article by Seton Hill student and ASL member David Brant