As You Wish: The Princess Bride Genre Costume Ball at Seton Hill 6/29
Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction Master of Fine Arts degree program alumni group will host the Princess Bride Genre Costume Ball on Saturday, June 29, from 9 p.m.-12 midnight in the lobby and lounge areas of Seton Hill University’s Katherine Mabis McKenna Center located on the University’s hilltop campus in Greensburg, Pa.
The event, which includes a cash bar, is open to the public at a cost of $15 per person. Costumes are not required, but guests are encouraged to dress in attire that fits The Princess Bride theme. For more detailed information and to register, contact Amy Metz at 724-552-4366.
The movie, “The Princess Bride,” a fairy tale adventure story, will be shown and dancing will take place in the evening. A costume contest will also be held.
During the ball, Sally Bosco, SHU ’03 and ’11, will be presented with the Distinguished Alumni Leadership Award. Bosco received both her Master of Arts and her Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction.