The Young Dancer’s Division is divided into two classes for children ages 3-6.

All students receive the opportunity to perform in an annual Spring Performance!

Intro to Dance – Ages 3-4

This fun creative-movement class focuses on coordination, motor skills, sensitivity to music, listening skills and spatial awareness through the use of imagination and props. Students learn some of the very beginning steps and vocabulary in ballet and jazz. Choose the group (Daisies, Lilies, or Tulips) that works best for your schedule.

Combo – Ages 5-6

Combo students begin to learn the basic fundamentals of ballet and jazz technique and terminology, while building muscular strength and proper dance posture. Classroom etiquette and discipline are emphasized in a positive, creative, and energetic atmosphere.  Choose the group (Daffodils, Sunflowers) that works best for your schedule.


All dancers in the Young Dancer’s Division will have their own performance on a Sunday at 3 PM at the end of the dance year at the Performing Arts Center. This performance will also feature several numbers from the Formal Dancers Division.